RWA Staff Contact Details

Electrician & plumber numbers are for in case of emergency only. Regular complaint will be resolved as process defined earlier & residents need to file complaints on app or write in register in RWA office.
1-Residents can share the feedback or escalate the issues if not resolved with satisfaction at
2- Payment related, CAM, Meter, Parking related issues can be shared to the RWA office or mail to
3- Kindly raise all the issues with our NO HOOD app and sign a slip with a comment on the complaint slip given to the technician.
4- Complaint given on the phone is not possible to resolve until that is common area issues/emergency issues.
5- Kindly visit for all important notices, NOC forms, Legal updates, Bylaws, RWA Membership forms, RWA Scope of CAM etc.
6- RWA formed four Whatsapp Groups for updating daily activity related to society named PHRWA1, PHRWA2, PHRWA3, PHRWA4. Hope all of you added to one group. If not added please contact to Naveen RWA office or any one of RWA GB Team.