Welcome PHRWA
Piyush Heights Residents Welfare Association (PHRWA) has been instrumental in reviving and transforming Piyush Heights to be an even better place to stay. RWA 2015-21 has in its team a set of committed, selfless, professionally minded extremely high integrity governing body members who are extremely successful in their professional lives as well.
In the present rapidly moving world, fast communications with the society and its people are essential for any Association.
Our mission is very clear - love, affection and harmony amongst all the residents with universal brotherhood.
We are pleased to launch this Website to share and communicate as also to update all the events and activities occurring in our society. It is our earnest hope that this portal shall play a pivotal role in providing a sound foundation for great community living in harmony, amity and fellowship.
Our responsibility and pleasure to reach out and keep residents informed about our actions, governing philosophy and positions on the issues.
Roads, Electricity, Maintenance, sports Facilities, cultural Events have all happened regularly to uplift the society. Extremely high diligence on financials, transparency of operation, inclusiveness are the highlights of RWA 2015-21.
Our Awesome Work!
RWA Members
Years of Piyush Heights
PHRWA Work Progress
25 February 14 Piyush Height beacme a RWA
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Vitae adipiscing turpis. Aenean ligula nibh, molestie id viverra a, dapibus at dolor. In iaculis viverra neque, ac eleifend ante lobortis id. In viverra ipsum stie id viverra.